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Insurance only applicable to goods.
The insurance covers material and direct damage; indirect damage, such as harm to commercial interests due to unrealized sales, exchange differences, market losses or guarantee of origin, etc. are not compensable. Documentation shipments are insured for the value of the printing, never for the value of creation or preparation. Compensation for goods will depend on the criteria adopted by the insurance company, being generally the mar- ket value or cost, not the resale value, depending on each case.
Compensation for used goods damaged during transport shall be subject to the corresponding depreciation. Fur- thermore, only the cost of repairs will be paid on claims made for damage to goods, with the final decision to apply the aforementioned point being the company's.

Goods Aged Depreciation applied
Less than 1 year 0%
1 to 2 years 20%
2 to 3 years 40%
3 to 4 years 60%
4 to 5 years 60%
5 to 6 years 80%
Over 6 years 100%
Depreciation percentages may vary depending on the kind of merchandise transported and if necessary the intervention of an insurance assessor.


The compensation to be received via this kind of coverage shall never be higher than the value of the goods transported.



In compliance with the responsibility demanded by LAW 15/2009 of November 11th of the Contract for the Transportation of Goods, a maximum compensation payment for the client is established, in the event of a claim, of a third of the IPREM/day (public indicator of the value of multiple effects in Spain) per kg of the lost or damaged goods gross weight.


Compensation paid according to that which is set out by the obligatory insurance C.M.R., (Convention relative au contrat de transport internacional de Marchandises par Route).



Compensation paid according to that which is set out by the obligatory insurance IATA (International Air Transport Association).

  • Badly or insufficiently-packaged goods
  • All corrosive, dangerous, flammable or explosive products, which due to their packaging type or quantity are regulated by the ADR directive or prohibited by law.
  • Live animals, live plants, biological samples, perishable products.**
  • Goods requiring refrigeration for preservation, fresh or frozen meat, fish or seafood.
  • Fine leathers, damaged goods, marble and slate, flat glass.
  • Documents and photocopies of any kind, airline or other transport tickets.
  • Money in all its forms. Cash, bank notes, commercial or banking instruments, certificates and coupons of transferable securities.
  • Tobacco and its derivatives.
  • Mobile phone recharge cards, prepaid cards, credit cards or similar.
  • Work performed, goods of no commercial value, documents and goods that have a value greater than the goods themselves.


Check the insurance conditions for non-EU samples with your franchise office.


Service excluded from goods insurance.
Ask your Nacex office.

**Those products that are made available to us for transport and are in poor condition, or where the properties of the product have been affected, or where this deterioration is due to determining factors such as temperature, humidity, pressure, etc. are considered perishable goods, and remain excluded from coverage.



UP TO €3,000

Rate 8% on carriage costs.
General Goods: up to a maximum of €3,000 per shipment.
Branded/Luxury goods (clothing, accessories, and footwear): up to a maximum of €1,500 per shipment.

Excluded from coverage: Precious metals, jewellery, watches , costume jewellery, objects of exceptional value and/or antiques, works of art (paintings, figures, sculptures of any kind and cost), commercial samples, promotional items, gifts/presents, personal items/belongings, removals, items collector's items (stamps, coins, comics, dolls/figures, toys/games, etc.), weapons, ammunition and their spare parts/accessories, lottery tickets, meal vouchers, show tickets, and smart boxes.

The insurance coverage will not include compensation for product deterioration due to temperature excursions.


Rate: 0.60% of the value of the goods.
*Watches: maximum €600 per shipment.
*Branded/luxury goods (clothing, accessories, and footwear) from €1,500.
Minimum premium €1.50.
For all services containing the goods listed above and detailed below:
Goods with a value of over €3,000, commercial samples, promotional items, gifts/presents, jewellery and watches that do not contain precious metals, precious and/or semiprecious stones, personal items/belongings (suitcases, bicycles, trunks, etc.) furniture removals (excess of €300.50).

Excluded from coverage: precious metals, jewellery, costume jewellery and watches containing precious metals, precious and/or semiprecious stones, as well as watches worth over €600, objects of exceptional value and/or antiques, works of art (paintings, figures, sculptures of any kind and value) and collector's items (stamps, coins, comics, dolls/ figures, toys/games etc.), weapons, ammunition and their spare parts/accessories (always need to be accompanied by a waybill).


Rate: 1.60% of the value of the goods.
(Maximum 10,000 € per shipment).
Minimum premium 1.50 €.
For all shipments containing:

  • Jewellery,
  • Metal craftwork/Costume jewellery/watches containing precious metals, precious and semi-precious stones,
  • Watches worth over 600 €.


Rate: 1.50% of the value of the goods.
Minimum premium 1.50 €.
For all shipments containing special goods such as:

  • Objects of exceptional value,
  • Antiques,
  • Works of art (paintings, figures, sculptures of any variety and cost),
  • Collector's items (stamps, coins, comics, dolls/figures, games etc.)
  • Metal craftwork that does not contain precious metals, precious and/or semiprecious stones

(For deliveries in mainland Spain)

Rate: 0.60% of the value of the goods.
Minimum premium 1.50 €.
For all shipments containing firearms, air guns, ammunition, accessories and spares.

(For shipments to Spain, Andorra and mainland Portugal)

* Coverage only for Official Lottery Administrations
Payment for the merchandise before delivery of the insured shipment (cash on delivery or returns are not permitted).
Cost: 1% of the value of the goods.
(Maximum 6,000 € per shipment)
Minimum premium: 1 €
For all services containing lottery tickets (not ones that have won a prize), luncheon vouchers, entrance tickets for shows, smartbox.
For more detailed information, please ask your NACEX franchise office.

* Excluded countries and geographical areas: those under economic sanction, at war or in war/armed conflict, or at severe or very high extreme risk (List published in the JCC GLOBAL CARGO WATCH LIST by IHS)

Handling of Insurance Claims

Claims for damage and breakages suffered during the transportation of goods must be made within 7 days of delivery, unless the damage is evident upon receiving the goods, in which case, the claim should be made there and then.. (Art. 60 L.C.T.T.M).
Upon presentation of this initial claim, the injured party has one year to meet the requirements for handling the claim against the carrier, as shown in the transport contract.
(Art. 79 L.C.T.T.M).


For correct handling of optional insurance coverage, the following points must be taken into consideration:

  • Any claim for damage to goods transported must be made in the NACEX franchise.
    1. Upon receiving the goods, note down your observations on the delivery note or,
    2. Send them within 7 calendar days by letter,
    3. Breakage claims which amount to over 1000 1. Photocopy of the commercial invoice containing the totality of the goods sent (if this document is not available and a different one is sent instead, the insurance company may deduct 20% of the amount indicated),, require a valuation by an insurance assessor, which must be requested within 24 hours from carrying out the communication within the timescale stated previously (points 1 and 2).
    4. In order to submit a claim for damaged shipments, photographs must be taken at the time of receipt thereof as proof and sent to the NACEX franchise within a maximum period of 72 hours (outer packaging with the label to identify the shipment, inner packaging, damage to the goods, etc...).
  • For the subsequent handling of a claim, clients must provide the insurance company with,
    1. Photocopy of the commercial invoice containing the totality of the goods sent (if this document is not available and a different one is sent instead, the insurance company may deduct 20% of the amount indicated),
    2. Damage claim letter,
    3. In the event of breakage, a quote for the repair of the damaged goods or, failing that, a written letter of non-repair from an official technical service as well as the return of the goods,
    4. A bill or debit note for the goods damaged.
The company reserves the right to request complementary and/or explanatory information where required in order to handle the claim.
The presentation of all necessary documentation, as previously indicated, is absolutely essential in order to proceed with the handling of any claim.

Said documentation must be provided to the NACEX office within a maximum period of 30 days from communication of the claim.

  • As a general rule, once the appropriate investigations and assessments have been completed, the Nacex office will pay compensation within 90 days from the acceptance of the claim by the insurance company and the approval by any other relevant authorities where required. Please note that all valuations are made by sub-contracted insurance assessors who do not belong to the insurance company. In these cases, handling of the claim usually takes longer, with the timescale for payment of the compensation being affected. The amount of compensation will be determined based on the valuation made by the relevant authorities. The same occurs with large claims, whose timescale is impossible to determine due to the magnitude of the event (robbery or accident en route).
    The client is responsible for the adequate packaging of transported goods. If this were proven not to be the case, the insurance company could refuse any claim.
    Due to the aforementioned, the transport of any goods using our company NACEX is carried out with the clients complete prior knowledge of the general and specific conditions of the insurance policy and with the coverage and compensation quantities anticipated therein exempting us from any responsibility for damages that may be caused by the loss, deterioration, delay, robbery or theft of the shipments that are delivered and are not covered by the insurance policy taken out.

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